Monitoring and Advocacy

On behalf of its Members, ECA monitors and reports on regulatory developments of areas that are of paramount concern to the cocoa sector. These areas include Pesticides & Contaminants, Trade, Logistics & Warehousing, Sustainability, and Environment.

Pesticides & Contaminants
On Pesticides & Contaminants, ECA closely monitors the implementation and future developments of EU legislation on contaminants and pesticides. It does so by ensuring that the results of the research conducted in collaboration with its partners and the data included in the Joint Residue Library feed into the decision-making process.

ECA is also a member of the Agri-Food Chain Roundtable For Plant Protection (AFRCT-PP), which constitutes an informal platform for agri-food chain partners to discuss and share information on plant protection, including biocides, biocontrol solutions and the implications of developing new plant breeding techniques for crop protection. The AFRCT-PP brings together industry associations in the agri-food chain whose activities are impacted by the European legislative framework on plant protection.

On Trade, ECA reports on the state of play of negotiations on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), as well as Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the EU and relevant cocoa-producing and consuming countries. Customs issues, such as the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), the Preferential and Non-Preferential Rules of Origin, and the Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs – such as Differential Export Taxes, DETs) but also legislation relative to the environment/trade nexus, such as greenhouse gases, are also being carefully monitored by ECA.
Logistics & Warehousing
On Logistics and Warehousing, ECA monitors and reports on the EU regulatory developments concerning the EU transport, port and logistics policies, EU Customs Union, EU Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy, Trans-European Transport Network, and the EU digitalization agenda.
On Sustainability, ECA monitors the developments connected to deforestation, labour-related matters in cocoa farming and practices – notably related to child labour – Due Diligence Regulation, and certifications schemes, in particular the ISO 34101/CEN Standard on Sustainable and Traceable cocoa, as well as the new African Regional Standard on sustainable cocoa (ARS-1000). ECA is an active member of the European Commission’s Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Protecting and Restoring the World’s Forests.

February 2022 – European Cocoa Association Position Paper on Deforestation

April 2022 – European Cocoa Association Statement on traceability through polygon mapping

May 2022 – European Cocoa Association Position Paper on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

November 2022 – European Cocoa Association Position Paper on Forced Labour

On Environment, ECA monitors and reports on the regulatory developments of the EU climate and environmental policy, notably the implementation phase of the EU Green Deal, Farm to Fork Strategy, Circular Economy Action Plan, Carbon Tax and Polluters pay principle, Food Waste and Energy Efficiency.
Coalition Building
ECA has developed strong links with the European Institutions and the Embassies of cocoa producing countries based in Brussels. ECA has also built strong strategic alliances with other actors in the cocoa supply chain, including:

  • Federation of Cocoa Commerce (FCC)
  • World Cocoa Foundation (WCF)
  • International Cocoa Organisation (ICCO) – Member of the Consultative Board
  • Cocoa Coalition (observer status)
  • Codex Alimentarius Commission of the FAO (observer status)

In addition, ECA is a Member of the Primary Food Processors Platform which is composed of the European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS), the European Flour Millers, the EU Vegetable Oil and Proteinmeal industry association (Fediol), Starch Europe and the European Vegetable Protein Association (Euvepro).