- The Board meets four times a year. It is currently composed of 10 members, which are elected every 2 years: 5 processors, 2 traders and 3 logistics members. The Chairmanship rotation period is 2 years. The Board and the Executive Committee members are elected every 2 years. The Board is currently composed of 11 members: 5 processors, 3 traders and 3 logistics members. The chairmanship is based on 2-year rotation periods.
- The Executive Committee is composed of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Treasurer, representing each member category. It is elected every 2 years.
- Effective and Associate Members meet twice a year in the General Members Meeting. They approve Board proposals regarding budgets and accounts of the Association, as well as appointment or replacement of Board members.
Board of Directors
Paul Davis – President
Sucres & Denrées
Alain Freymond
Barry Callebaut
Olivier Werbrouck
C. Steinweg - Handelsveem
Emiel Van Dijk
Hubert Hoondert
Guus de Gruiter
Dutch Cocoa
Chris Beetge – Vice-President
Enrico Pacorini
Pacorini Group
Olivier Lieutard
Christian Vollers – Treasurer
Executive Committee
Paul Davis – President
Sucres & Denrées
Chris Beetge – Vice-President
Christian Vollers – Treasurer
Catherine Entzminger
Director General
Matthijs de Meer
Director- EU Affairs & Sustainability
Evangelos Koumentakos
EU Environment & Trade Manager
Michelle End
Food Safety & Quality Consultant
Nadia Markiewicz-Al Saeedi
Communications & Administrative Manager
Semiran Oguz
Finance & Office Manager
Irene Paviotti
Sustainability & Food Safety Manager