Why you should join ECA

  • EU policy analysis and intelligence, timely delivered
  • Interest representation vis-à-vis EU institutions and cocoa stakeholders
  • Coalition building with other cocoa and processing organisations
  • Dialogue with producing countries
  • Networking with cocoa professionals in and outside Europe

The ECA Toolbox

  • ECA Grind Statistics
    Published each quarter since 2000, the Grind Statistics are a key source of credible information for the industry.
  • ECA Trade MasterTable
    A tool, published twice a year, to find out applicable tariffs and duties for cocoa and semi-finished products in cocoa producing and cocoa-consuming countries.
  • EU Regulatory Update
    Published twice a year, use this tool to find out what EU regulatory developments have occurred over the last quarter in the areas of Food Safety, Trade, Sustainability, Environment, Labelling and Logistics & Warehousing.
  • Joint Residue Library
    ECA has joined forces with Caobisco to develop a bespoke library of scientific data – fed into by our Member companies on a confidential basis – to help substantiate industry positioning on food safety concerns.
  • Fact sheets and updates
    ECA produces concise fact sheets on key topics in the areas of Food Safety, Trade, Sustainability and Environment.
  • Monthly Newsletters

  • European Cocoa Forum

Who can become an ECA member

-Companies with significant activities and corporate seat in Europe

-There are two types of membership: Effective and Associate

Effective Members

  • Cocoa processing industry: manufacturers of cocoa-based semi-finished products (cocoa powder, cocoa butter, cocoa liquor); manufacturers of (industrial) chocolate and the cocoa waste recycling industry
  • Cocoa trader: companies importing and trading cocoa beans and/or cocoa-based products; agents and brokerage companies that facilitate the trading of cocoa beans and/or cocoa-based products and/or cocoa waste
  • Cocoa logistics industry: companies storing and controlling cocoa beans and/or cocoa-based products, as well as companies that transport the cocoa beans and/or cocoa-based products

For the “cocoa processing industry” category, please note:

  • The applicant company needs to develop significant B2B cocoa activity, meaning that a company grinding for only its own B2C use will not meet the ECA membership criteria.
  • As regards the industrial production of chocolate, only manufacturers of chocolate in B2B will be eligible to become a Member of the ECA.

Associate Members

Service sector companies, as well as associations and individuals whose activities are critical to cocoa trade and connected with the cocoa chain

Interested in becoming a member? Contact us

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